
City of Orlando, Orange County, Florida: Massey Services opened their new corporate headquarters in 2008. Dao Consultants provided construction drawings complete with geometric layout design, master storm water drainage plan, sanitary sewer collection system, water and fire supply network, and driveway access to proposed site improvements in compliance with the rules and regulations of the City of Orlando, St. Johns River Water Management District and Florida Department of Environmental Protection complete with permit application packages submitted for approval to build proposed improvements to the site.

Catalina Park is a development project undertaken by the Orange County Parks and Recreation Department for the City of Eatonville. The park is located on an improved site with a total area of about 2 acres.
Development concept called for a playground for small children, a picnic pavilion and two basketball courts. The playground and the basketball courts are linked to the picnic pavilion by an extensive network of sidewalks. A parking lot was designed for 20 spaces and a boat dock was developed on the lake front. A storm water management system was developed to serve the park and its amenities.
Engineering services consist of selective clearing, grading the site for driveway connection from the new parking lot to the existing road located in front; design of pavement for vehicle parking and a storm water management system to comply with the local requirements of the St. Johns River Water Management District.
Utilities service for this park consisted only potable water for drinking fountain, sewer was not provided. Preparation of permit application for stormwater management system to the water management district and potable water connection to FDEP.
Construction Administration services consisted of pre-construction conference with potential bidders; review and approval of shop drawings; construction observation and preparation of as-built drawings and certification to St. Johns River Water Management District for completion of a stormwater management system and to FDEP for release of a potable water system for public use.
This is an existing park located on the north area of Lake Mann in Orange County. The existing amenities at the park consisted of one basketball court with a drinking fountain. Expansion plans called for a fishing pier extending about 100 feet into the lake, a gazebo, a 10-car parking area and two basketball courts. A convoluted system of sidewalks meandered around the park and connected with the parking lot, the gazebo, the basketball courts and the fishing pier. The total area of the North Lake Mann Park is about 5 acres.
Engineering services consisted of grading the site for drainage and driveway connection to existing roads located in front; design of pavement for the parking area and a fishing pier. Utility services consisted of drinking fountains located at each basketball court. There is no sewer services to the site. A storm water management system was developed to meet water quality treatment criteria of the South Florida Water Management District.
Preparation of application for permit modifications and submittal to South Florida Water Management District; preparation of permit application to FDEP for water services connection. Construction Administration services consisted of pre-construction conference with potential bidders; review and approval of shop drawings; construction observation and preparation of as-built drawings and certification to St. Johns River Water Management District for completion of a stormwater management system and to FDEP for release of a potable water system for public use.

Warren Park is an existing park located on the north shores of Lake Conway in the City of Belle Isle. The park is owned and operated by Orange County Parks and Recreation Department. Existing facilities at the park included a stabilized parking lot, picnic pavilions and a beach area with concession stands. Water and sewer were available at the park. Expansion plans called for a paved parking lot, tennis courts, soccer field, and extensive network of sidewalks linking tennis courts with soccer field and picnic pavilions through the new parking area.
Engineering services for this project included grading of the site for the soccer field, paving, grading and drainage design for the new parking lot, development of a storm water retention system consisting of broad and shallow swales to treat the first inch of runoff. The swale system as designed has to meander around trees to avoid root damages.
Preparation of permit application for a stormwater management system to St. Johns River Water Management District.
Construction Administration services for pre-construction conference with potential bidders; review and approval of shop drawings; construction observation and preparation of as-built drawings and certification to St. Johns River Water Management District for completion of a stormwater management system and to FDEP for release of a potable water system for public use.
Fanning Springs State Park located in Levy County, and is famous for its swimming and boating facilities. The Bureau of Design and Park at the Department of Environmental Protection has decided to implement needed improvements to make the Park more accessible to people with physical disabilities.
The development concept called for demolition of existing boardwalk, and design of improvements consisting of handicap parking area, walkways to meet ADA requirements and drainage improvements.
Engineering services consist of civil engineering for site grading, design of walkways and parking area, and structural design for retaining walls.
Construction observations were done by the Bureau of Design and Parks.
Lake Louisa State Park located in Polk County. The Park has not been fully developed to allow the general public to maximize the use of its natural resources. The Bureau of Design and Park at the Department of Environmental Protection has undertaken a development program to make the State Park more accessible to the general public.
The development concept called for an access road to the State Park from Highway U.S. 27, and a dock complete with canoe launch. The dock and canoe launch are served by a paved parking area, comfort station and walkway leading to the fishing pier. A storm water management system was developed to intercept runoffs from parking lot for treatment before discharging into lake. Utilities services are not available at the site.
Engineering services consisted of civil engineering for site grading, pavement design, and stormwater management and structural design for dock and canoe launch. The storm water management system complies with the local requirements of the Southwest Florida Water Management District.
Construction Administration services consisted of pre-construction conference with potential bidders; review and approval of shop drawings for dock and canoe launch; construction observation and preparation of as-built drawings and certification to Southwest Florida Water Management District for completion of a stormwater management system.
In the days before the opening of Disney World, Rainbow Springs, located in Marion County, was a highly prized private recreation park, which has experienced hard time since the opening of Disney World. The park owner sold it to the State of Florida to prevent unbridled development from land developers. The Bureau of Design and Park at the Department of Environmental Protection has developed an ambitious program to rehabilitate the operations of the park and market to the general public as a park with family oriented activities.
The development concept called for a picnic area with three pavilions, a renovated building, access ramps to meet ADA standards and a boat dock complete with canoe launch.
Engineering services consist of civil engineering for site grading at the picnic area and at the renovated building and structural design for boat dock and canoe launch.
Construction Administration services consisted of pre-construction conference with potential bidders; review and approval of shop drawings for dock and canoe launch.
Peacock Springs State Park located in Suwannee County is a highly prized site for scuba divers throughout Northern Florida and Georgia. The Bureau of Design and Park has undertaken an ambitious development program to make this Park a user-friendly for the general public with physical handicaps.
The development concept called for design of a boardwalk system to provide access to the Orange Sink for handicapped scuba divers , and design of drainage improvements to divert runoff away from the sink.
Engineering services consist of civil engineering for site grading and storm water management system, and structural design of board walks. Construction has not started at this site.